Compare us with other Conventional Management Companies

Note: Prices & services quoted by the competing firms curiously varied, as they were surveyed on various occasions and gave various prices for the same services.  Some services were not provided or were unknown to these firms.

(Based on a 6 family building with an average rent of $500/month/apt.)


Our Fee

Pyramid Realty

N. Frontier RE

CrossTown RE

J.A. Int. RE

Rent Registration Printout 

$ 50.00

Service Not Available

Service Not Available Service Not Available Service Not Available
Rent Control Histories

$ 50.00

Service Not Available Service Not Available Service Not Available Service Not Available

Opinion Letters

$150.00/Hour Service Not Available Service Not Available Service Not Available Service Not Available
Rent Registrations $110.00  $250/Hour $140.00 $125.00 $125.00
M. C. I. Increases  1st Year's Increase $250/Hour $425.00 + up 1st Year's Increase +10% $500.00 + up
M. B. R. Increases $250 + $20/Apt. $275/Hour $250 + $15/Apt. $300 + $30/Apt. $250 + $25/Apt.
Fuel Cost Adjustments $100/Bldg. + $20/Apt. $250/Hour $425.00 $150/Bldg. +$15/Apt. $450.00
Answers To Tenant Complaints $150.00/Hour Service Not Available Service Not Available Service Not Available Service Not Available
Application To Restore Rent $150.00/Hour Service Not Available Service Not Available Service Not Available Service Not Available
Petition For Administrative Review  $150.00/Hour $300.00 Service Not Available Service Not Available Service Not Available
Vacancy Leases $60.00 $75.00 $65.00 $65.00 $65.00
Renewal Leases $40.00 $75.00 $50.00 $45.00 $45.00
Tenant Screening $50.00 Service Not Available Service Not Available Service Not Available Service Not Available
SCRIE Related Paperwork $150.00/Hour Service Not Available Service Not Available Service Not Available Service Not Available
Paperwork Management $200/Apt./Yr. $600/Apt./Yr. $900/Apt./Yr. $500/Apt./Yr. $500/Apt./Yr.
Full Management $500/Apt./Yr. $900/Apt./Yr. $650/Apt./Yr. $690/Apt./Yr. $600/Apt./Yr.

Note: We encourage you to compare your current company with us.

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