A few Satisfied Clients

C. SOWERS, Attorney at Law

     I would like to thank you for your continued work on behalf of my buildings and my clients who own buildings.  Your extensive knowledge of DHCR Regulations and your prompt service have been of enormous help in difficult situations.  Your reviews of DHCR printouts and calculations of legal rents and overcharge liability have helped my clients purchase, sell refinance and operate their properties without having to worry about future problems.  Your Opinion letters have enabled clients to close on deals that were being delayed by banks due to DHCR problems.   Your management services for my buildings have increased the rent rolls by making sure that all leases and renewals are in the proper form, with the proper riders and that all tenants pay the maximum allowable increases.

          Thank you again and keep up the good work. Very truly yours,    C. SOWERS


 Just a note to thank you for the work you have done on the above building.  When my father owned the building, he did not register anything properly.  Thanks to your efforts, the rents are now registered and legal and you have substantially increased the rent roll since taking over management of the building.   I was concerned when a new tenant filed an Overcharge Complaint, but you were able to get it completely dismissed, due to your efficient paperwork.     Thanks to the MCI Increase you obtained for the new windows and other work, my father's estate can now transfer the building to my brother and sister with a profitable rent roll.         

Thanks again,    Sincerely, A. Matheos


 Dear Miss Betti: Your Paperwork Management service has really helped me with my building.  I do not speak English too well and you help me by knowing how to get things done & who to call when there are problems.  Ever since you got the M.C.I. increase for me many years ago, I have relied on you to take care of everything for the building like the yearly registrations, leases, mortgage problems and other things that come up.  I am happy that I do not have to deal with the papers, because it is very confusing.  

Thank you for your good services.   Yours very truly, J. S. Louis




 Dear Betti:   Thank you for your work that you have done for me for my building.  Your Paperwork Management service has helped to straighten out the rents and get increases, without me having the headache of doing the paperwork myself.  Even though the rents are low and the tenants never pay the right rents, you have been able to get me rent increases for work in the building and Low Rent increases and dealing with the welfare paper work.  Your work has helped me refinance the building and clear off all the violations and has kept the files in order or I would not be able to keep any of it straight myself.  

Thank you from a grateful landlord. Yours truly,  V. Minissale

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