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Glossary of Terms

Amortization Principal Payment on Mortgage
"A" & "B" Violations HPD Code Enforcement Violations for Minor Repair Items (Painting, Smoke Detectors, Etc.)
"C" Violations HPD Code Enforcement Violations for Major Rent Impairing Repair Items (Heat, Hot Water, Etc.)
D.H.C.R. Division of Housing and Community Renewal - A NYS agency that governs all Rent Regulated Apartments in New York State
D.E.P. Dept. of Environmental Protection

Dept. for the Aging - Administrates SCRIE Program


Dept. of Buildings


Dept. of Finance

Dept. of Health


Dept. of Transportation

D.S.S. Dept. of Social Services
E.A.R.P. Emergency Assistance Relocation Program
E.C.B. Environmental Control Board
Escrow Funds Held by Lender for Payment of Taxes, Insurance, Etc.
ETPA / 1974 Emergency Tenant Protection Act of 1974
F.C.A. Fuel Cost Adjustment - (Rent Control)
H.P.D. Dept. of Housing Preservation & Development
H.R.A. Human Resources Administration


Real Estate Tax Abatement for Substantial Renovation of Rental Properties
LL 62 /91 NYC Local Law 62 of 1991 Requiring Boiler Inspections (Fines for Non-Compliance are $500 to $1,500 per year)
LL 4 /94 Local Law 4 of 1994 (Luxury Decontrol)
LL 11 /98 NYC Local Law 11 of 1998 (Updates LL 10/80) Requiring Inspection of Exterior Walls of Buildings over Six Stories High
LL 38 /99 NYC Local Law 38 of 1999 Requiring Landlords to Give Tenants Annual Notice Regarding Lead Paint
L.P.C. Landmarks Preservation Commission

Maximum Base Rent - (Rent Control)

M.C.I Major Capital Improvement
M.C.R. Maximum Collectible Rent - (Rent Control)
M.D.R. Multiple Dwelling Registration
N.Y.C.H.A. NYC Housing Authority

OHA /83

Omnibus Housing Act of 1983
O.M.E.S.C. Operation Maintenance & Essential Services Certification
P.A.R. Petition for Administrative Review 


Rent Control
R.G.B. Rent Guidelines Board
R.P.I.E. Real Property Income & Expense (Filing)
RRRA /93 Rent Regulation Reform Act of 1993
RRRA /97 Rent Regulation Reform Act of 1997
R.S. Rent Stabilization

Rent Stabilization Association

S.C.R.I.E. Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption

Sec. 8

Section 8 (Housing Assistance)
Vac. Dec. Vacancy Decontrol
421a Real Estate Tax Abatement for New Construction

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