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  Rent Registrations

    Proper Rent Registrations are essential to every Landlord who owns Rent Regulated property in New York State.  Since 1984, DHCR requires Annual Rent Registrations for all buildings of 6 families or more.  If you do not properly register your rents, you may not be collecting the proper rents, you could lose the right to collect rent increases, you could be liable for treble (triple) damages on overcharges and you may not be able to sell or refinance your property.

Some companies and industry organizations have automated Rent Registration filing services.  You provide them with the information and they file it.  But if the information that you provide them with is incorrect, which you may not even be aware of, your Rent Registration will be filed incorrectly.

DHCRexpert.com reviews all information for accuracy and alerts you to any problems.  We make sure that your Rent Registrations are filed properly with the correct information.  We provide you with Proof of Mailing to your Tenants.  We file Amended Rent Registrations, when necessary.  We make sure that you are collecting the maximum Legal Rent for your apartments and we help to protect you from Overcharge Liability.  We also keep your information, to ensure accuracy on future filings and any other work that we do for you.

Click here to Order Rent Registration filing services.

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